Thursday, May 20, 2010

Blog- 22

well, as for me The ExistenZ could be more realistic than the matrix movie even they both are saying that we can go to the future. as the way the matrix is, you can go to the future and you can't go back to your current time that you live right now. But the Existenz says that you can go to the future and you can come back to the time that you live in and anyone who were installed bio port can play the game. but in the matrix, most of the people are just regular people and there are just two groups who are playing the game, the morphrius's group and the other one. So, i think it's not too realistic. what i think is if it is happen, it should happen to everyone. it's shouldn't just happen to two groups of people. and one more thing, if they can invent to go to the future , they should have done inventing to go to the past at least to the time we live in right now. there are many ways that ExistenZ makes more sense to me compared to the matrix. first, ExistenZ says anyone who installed the bio port can play the game, go to the future and come back. you don't need to be the chosen ones to do so.
in the movie ExistenZ,it's still you whether you are going to the don't reborn or something like that.But in the matrix,you go to the future whith no way back and you are going to be reborn in order to be in the,what i mean right here is you need people to support you to learn their way of doing stuffs and living in the matrix. But in the ExistenZ, you just get into the future with no one's help in the don't need anyone to install the material arts or something to your memory.i think that's the beauty of it.One more thing,i see that someone must ring the telephone to call the guys in the future back to their base.i think that it shouldn't be that way. i really do think that it should be just you who control yourself.if you compare time of the matrix and the ExistenZ, the matrix's future could be later than the time that ExistenZ's future. i have that idea by the way they dress,the buildings and the use of the weapons.the things they use in the movie, ExistenZ does look old fashion compared to the matrix's latest weapons.

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